PHYSIOTIMES is India’s first and only magazine for Physiotherapists launched in July 2009. It is an RNI registered (REG No. GUJENG/2009/30341) bi-monthly peer-reviewed magazine with ISSN No.0976-1993. It is a registered trademark of Movewell Media Pvt Ltd. (Reg. No. 2414387). PHYSIOTIMES provides a vibrant & interactive platform to physiotherapists across the globe for meaningful exchange of contemporary information covering the entire gamut of physiotherapy.
THE TASK: To design, develop and prepare creatives for the magazine based on the design brief received from the editor using attractive layout and typography, appropriate stock images, sketches, diagrams, flowcharts, illustrations etc. To create print ready files and coordinate with the printer for hard copies. To create a soft copy PDF version for digital subscribers. To create web-ready images for promotion on company’s social media and website pages.
- Client Movewell Media Pvt Ltd
- Date March 29, 2015
- Tags 2015, Editorial, Healthcare, March, Movewell Media, PHYSIOTIMES, Publication